Privacy Policy

Protection of personal data

When you place an order, you entrust us with personal information about you. The purpose of this page is to explain how this information is used and processed.

Disclosure of private information and its transmission to third parties

The information provided by you when you place a new order is used for: (a) the processing of orders and than processing so delivery is made by courier; (b) delivery of ordered products to the customer's home by a courier company; (c) issuing the fiscal documents necessary for the delivery under the legal conditions according to the legislation in force in Europe.

Use of "cookies"

When a user surfs the internet and accesses a site, a 'cookie' file is saved on his computer (if he allows this). If the visitor has already visited this website, the cookie file is read from the computer. These saved data are only informative and are used for browsing statistics. They do not contain private information related to the user.

On the other hand, even the Google search engine uses files of this type to help the visitor find the desired information easily. It can also display ads based on the user's interest, for more details on this topic, please visit

Updates and changes to the privacy policy

All privacy policies are frequently updated by the website management. The management of the site does not assume any obligation to notify users about the changes made to the policy. It is recommended that you visit and re-read these policies frequently.